How to Say I Miss You in Spanish

i miss you in spanish

How to say I miss you in Spanish

In 2017, Spanish came out as the sexiest language in the world because the accent is fast and sounds fluid to the ears. This is why many are learning Spanish and the best way to showcase your learnings is by applying the knowledge in real-life situations and using them in conversations. Some are studying foreign languages for their careers or others are dating Spanish people. Some of them may also have Spanish friends that they want to impress.

In all of these cases, it is useful for them to know how to express their feelings using the Spanish language. One of the things everyone always says is “I miss you” whether it is for their friends, lovers, family, and loved ones. There are many reasons you might want to say I miss you to anyone, so how do you say I miss you in Spanish?

These are the recommended ways to say I miss you in Spanish:

“Te Extraño” means “I miss you”.

“Te echo de menos” also means “I miss you”.

“Me haces falta” – this is another phrase that also means “I miss you”.

These are the other relevant ways to say I miss you in Spanish based on the context of what you are feeling:

“Te añoro” means “I long for you”.

“Cuándo vuelves” means “When you comeback”

“Desearia que estuvieras aqui conmigo” means I wish you were here with me.

“Ya Quiero verte” means I can’t wait to see you.

i miss you in spanish

You might notice that there are different ways of saying I miss you in Spanish. That is because the popularity of these phrases depends on Spanish-speaking countries where some ways are less popular than others. This is similar in Chinese where there are more preferred phrases than some depending on the dialect of that place. In the next section, we’ll go over how to use the expressions above and add some examples of how to use them so you can understand them further.

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At the end of the article, you’ll have a variety of ways to say I miss you in Spanish.

“Te Extraño” – “I miss you”

Pronounced as Tay-ehks-Trahn-yo. This is the most common way of saying I miss you and is the direct translation when you use Google Translate for it. However, this phrase is more popular in Latin America. If you want to say “I missed you” then you can say “Te Extrañe”.

Here is the phrase structure you can use with the verb “extraño”:



“Uándo regresas? Te extrañamos mucho”

When do you come back? We miss you a lot.

“Abes algo de Claire? La extraño un montón”

Have you heard from Claire? I miss her very much.

If you’re going to use a noun or the name of the person, you can follow this structure:


“Extraño mucho a Jennie”

I miss Jennie very much

The verb “Extraño” is versatile in a way that it works with direct pronouns but you can also use this when talking directly to the person you miss.

i miss you in spanish

Te echo de menos

Pronounced as Tay-eh-choh day May-nohs, this phrase is commonly used more in Spain. Although this is not a direct translation, it can still express the feeling of missing someone’s presence. In order Spanish-speaking countries, it may sound cheesy. Leismo is the dialectal variation for replacing indirect pronouns with ‘le’ and ‘les’.

Here is the phrase structure you can use with the verb echar:


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I miss you so much in Spanish

“Mi amor, te he echado mucho de menos”

My love, I have missed you so much.

If you’re going to use a noun or the name of the person, you can follow this structure:


“Echo de menos la comida de Korean”

I miss Korean food.

Me Haces Falta

Pronounced as May Ah-says- Fahl-tah, this phrase is also another way to say I miss you in Spanish. This is commonly used romantically because it has a more intense meaning than the first two phrases. This is perfect to say to your lover or close friends. The word “Me” pertains to the first person, the verb haces means “you make” and falta means “absence”.

Here is the phrase structure you can use with the verb haces:

Me + [hacer conjugated] + (verb) + falta


“Espero que regreses pronto porque me haces falta”

I hope you come back soon because I miss you

“Te añoro” – I long for you

If you want to indirectly tell a person that you miss him/her, you can use this to express your longingness and intense feelings. This may not be as popular but you can use this to be more original and use Spanish for romance or spicing things up.

i miss you in spanish

Here is the phrase structure you can use with the verb “añorar”:

[Direct Object Pronoun] + [añorar conjugated]


“Cuándo llega Lisa? Dile que la añoro”

When will Lisa arrive? Tell her that I long for her

“Cuándo vuelves” – When you comeback

Pronounced as Kwan-doh voo-ehl-vays, you can ask this phrase if you want to find out when will the person return because you miss them. Cuando is the Spanish verb for “when” while Vuelves is the conjugated form of the Spanish verb volver which means “to come back”.

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Here is the phrase structure you can use with the verb “vuelves”:

[Direct Object Pronoun] + [volver conjugated]

Other examples:

“Qué dirá cuando vuelva?”

What will he say when he returns?

“Desearia que estuvieras aqui conmigo”– I wish you were here with me

Pronounced as Day-say-uh-Ree-uh kuh ess-too-bee-Air-us ah-key cone-Mee-go, this can also help you express that you want to be with them rather than be apart from one another. If you are in a long-distance relationship, you can say this to your Spanish partner.

You can also use “Ojalá estuvieras aquí” which means I wish you were here.

“Ya quiero verte” – I can’t wait to see you again

Although this does not directly say I miss you in Spanish, it still expresses your excitement or eagerness to see that person. You can say this to a friend or family member that you haven’t seen for a long time.

i miss you in spanish

Here is the phrase structure you can use with the verb “quer” and “ver”:

Ya + [querer conjugated] + [ver + direct object pronoun]


“Quiero verte tan mal”

I want to see you so bad

I miss you too in Spanish

If someone tells you that they miss you in Spanish, you can respond by saying:

* _Y YO, A TI__._ — And I, you
* _YO TAMBIÉN TE EXTRAÑO__._ — I miss you too.

Wrapping things up

Learning how to express yourself in any language you are trying to learn is important for you to become fluent. This article has compiled 7 common phrases you can use to say you miss someone in Spanish. Combined with different phrase structures and examples, we hope that you’re now ready to express how much you miss the people in your life in different situations you’ll be in.



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