How Do You Say Sorry in Spanish? – 9 Common Ways

sorry in spanish

I’m sorry in Spanish

Many people can apologize for several times a day, for various reasons, from accidentally bumping into a stranger or not opening the door. These types of situations are easy to handle and apologies are generally accepted willingly, it is normal to receive a response such as “No hay problema” ( no problem). However, we can also solve situations when it is necessary to correct words or behaviors that were not right, although the words remain the same in both Spanish and English, they can be difficult to say, remember that what matters is how you say, seeking to offer your best intentions to correct your wrongdoing, also a poorly formulated apology can cause more annoyance and damage a relationship with someone.

We can admit that we have ever had problems in what needs to apologize, but with this, we can discover that it is necessary to apologize for whatever reason. That is why, this time we will teach you the ways to say I am sorry in Spanish, depending on the situation or the right moment, so pay attention and it is time to learn a little more about this wide language.

How to say sorry in Spanish

If you are looking for a way to say Im sorry in Spanish, you can generally say “Lo siento”. However, there are times when using words like “Perdon” or “disculpame” may be the most appropriate. Think of an “Lo siento” as a word to express that something makes you very sorry, while if you use the proper term of “perdon” you can use it when you want to refer to an ordinary apology and when using “Disculpame” it is For fairly common apologies, an example is how you don’t hold the door open to someone who comes up behind you and you close it without realizing it.

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sorry in spanish

As with so many situations in Spanish, the more you practice it, the more natural it will begin to feel in your vocabulary since they are different words and expressions that you are not used to using. Relying on how to say sorry in Spanish will give you a different approach, and you will feel more comfortable with the variations that exist for words. You will probably not have the need to think twice about which word to use depending on the situation, here we talk more in-depth:

1. “Lo siento”

This is the phrase that is used the most and the most common when asking for forgiveness, it is used mainly in situations that are informal. For example, you can use it when you make a mistake, here you would use this word to not use “perdon” (we will explain it later) because if you used the term “sorry”, this could mean that you are guilty of death or worse. To show some feeling of sadness a little stronger and deeper, you could say “Lo siento mucho” (“I’m so sorry”)

2. “Perdon”

This is another word with which you can ask for forgiveness. Usually used in Spanish, along with the word “Perdoname”, you can use it if you meet someone, you need to use something that belongs to this person or when interrupting someone when they are in conversation; think of mistakes that deserve recognition but are not really serious.

3. “Disculpame”

This is the option when looking to be more formal. You can generally use it in work-related situations or to ask for permission. If you have friends who speak Spanish, they will say “perdon” or “disculpame” other terms like “perdon.” This should be done because you would simply be asking permission in a polite way, you are not apologizing for a mistake or something that you have done wrong. So when it comes to asking for permission, for something, you should use “disculpame”.

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sorry in spanish

How to say sorry in Spanish in an informal way

If you are among friends or in an informal situation, you can use words like “Lo siento or perdoname, but “Lo siento” is the most used, For example, you can use it if you do not want to reveal secrets about a particular situation, or, if you did something accidentally or want to offer condolences for death, but we will talk about that later.

How to distinguish between all

The distinction of words is key, among these main ways of asking for forgiveness in Spanish, it is the following: “Lo siento”, you use it to express a feeling of pain, “perdoname”, you use it to admit guilt for something you did and “Disculpame” is used to ask for permission in a formal way or in very formal work situations. For the scenarios that we mentioned, any of these three could work for you, you can use the situation to choose which word is the right one to use.

Sorry for your loss in Spanish

If you are looking for a word to express your condolences and say sorry for a loss, you can use “Lo siento por tu perdida” or if you are looking for something more intense, that shows feeling you can say “Lo siento tanto”. However, using ” Lo siento tanto” is more appropriate for these sad situations. “Lo siento” comes from the verb “regret”, and is much stronger and more emotionally intense. For example, it can be used to say “Lo siento por su perdida” or its variant ” Lo siento por tu perdida”.

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sorry in spanish

Ask your loved ones for forgiveness

Depending on what happened or what you have done, you can use “perdon” or “disculpame” when you want to ask for forgiveness in Spanish from a loved one. For example, if you had an argument with your brother, partner, or parents, you would use ‘perdoname’, but if one of these people gave you the news that they did not get the promotion at the job they were waiting for, you would say ‘lo siento’.

So, now that you have the information you need and you know how to ask for forgiveness in Spanish in different ways depending on the situation that may arise. So if you want and can continue to learn more words in Spanish successfully, keep learning how you can handle the language in a more comfortable way according to your possibilities.



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