8 Ways to Make Money During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Make Money

We are in a trying period of history. Stores are closing their doors, schools are shutting down for the year, and many businesses are struggling to hold it together. People are getting laid off, and new jobs are getting harder to come by. What’s that sad face for? Don’t fear! I am here to show you that you can make money while this storm passes. It just takes a bit of creativity and an open mind! In this article, I’m going to introduce you to eight ways to make money and show you how they will help your peace of mind and your wallet!

Sell Stuff Online

Make Money

Now that everyone is cooped up at home, there is a big boom in online shopping. Use this to your advantage, and you will get rid of clutter in your home while making money at the same time. There are hundreds of websites online and phone apps for online shopping. With clothing, electronic, and department stores turning people away, your closet is now an outlet for meeting peoples’ needs! Try to think of items people are itching to buy now that they can’t grab them from their favorite stores, and market them!

Help the Elderly

Make Money

Due to the Coronavirus, there is an increased need for care for the elderly. Now more than ever, elderly individuals need specialized and constant care to maintain their health during this crisis. Because of the impact that the virus has on older people, isolation is common in this demographic. It can be very hard for a senior who is used to the loving arms of their family members, and with your help and support you can ease their pain. Look for seniors in your area reaching out for someone to simply come take care of them.

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Food Delivery Driving

Make Money

People have to eat. People like you need a job. See where I’m getting with this? If you’ve got a car, delivery driving can be a great way to earn some cash and deliver smiles! It’s safe with no-contact policies in place, so you don’t have to worry about jeopardizing your health. Just pick up the food, set it on the customer’s doorstep, and you’re good to go! Restaurants are losing a lot of customers now that they can’t offer sit-down options, so drivers are in high demand. Take advantage of this and make some cash!


Make Money

For parents who are still working during the COVID-19 pandemic, childcare is not only a want but a necessity. Parents need someone to look after and care for their children so they can work hard to provide for their families. With schools switching to online learning for the time being, it can be hard for parents to juggle work, house cleaning, and homework help. This is where you come in! Be that stand-in caretaker for parents, and they will be forever grateful. There is one thing parents will not skimp on, and that is paying for quality childcare.

Teach Online

Make Money


If you are a teacher that has been out of work and struggling, online teaching could be right for you! Many school districts are reaching out for quality educators due to the drop in teachers during this time. Kids still need to learn, and their minds are hungry for growth. Teaching is unequivocally essential, and you can become one of many wonderful souls that can keep this country running and growing through the minds of students! There are many online resources to get you started, and you will be face-to-face with shining student smiles in no time!

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Write Articles!

Make Money

Do you have a knack for writing? Does letting your imagination run wild through the written word stoke your creative passion? You are not alone, and many people need your deft talent. Writing online is a freeing experience, and the hours are yours for the making! With a flexible work schedule that you create, you can make as much or as little money as you have the will to make. Many online content mills pay per word, and it is easy to climb through the ranks as long as you put in the time and the effort.


Make Money

You are stuck at home. You are bored. You need something to do! Try blogging. People need a little pick me up, some advice, or just a friendly face to get through the day. You can provide all that and more with your creative spin on everyday life. With so many people stuck at home, there is a huge increase in people surfing the web and watching videos. There is such a big viewer population now that you should have no problem entertaining people with your unique content! This is a great way to make money during COVID-19.

Delivering Groceries

Make Money

As I mentioned earlier, people need to eat! However, many individuals are scared to abandon the comfort of their homes. With many hungry mouths to feed, families need a reliable way to get food without jeopardizing the health of their households. Delivering groceries for others could be a great option for you to make money during COVID-19. Simply pick up the groceries, package them safely, and deliver them to customers’ doorsteps. There is no contact with the customers, no stepping into homes, and no risk of you getting sick as long as you take necessary precautions.

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In Conclusion

There is no need to fret if you need to make money during COVID-19. Try out a few of the options I have presented to you, and you are sure to keep your head above water! Just always make sure to wear a face mask and maintain social distancing when you are out in public, and none of these jobs will put you in harm’s way. Adhere to the CDC guidelines for staying safe and healthy, and go out there and make some cash during the crisis. Don’t let the virus get you down. You can do this!




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