7 Affiliate marketing tips for newbie blogger.


An affiliate works with the indication or promotion of products from other people or companies, and in return, receives a commission for each sale made.

The entire learning process of an affiliate is essential, and you will only be a professional in affiliate marketing if you first learn the basics as a beginner affiliate.

To grow in this market, you need to consume and apply the tips below and advice for beginner affiliate blogger.

Know your audience well before you start.


Before you sign up for various affiliate programs, it is essential to focus and know exactly who you are talking to.

For this, it is essential to determine who your target audience is. In this way, you will have a clear idea of who your readers and potential customers are, and it will be easier to target content and digital marketing actions to them.

In addition, when you know your audience, you will also know what subjects they would like to read and what products they would buy.

Define the niche in which you will operate.


If you have an audience that likes travel tips, why do you keep selling pet products?

Here is the tip: there is no point in deluding yourself with the percentage of the commission if the chosen product will not interest your readers.

Therefore, in addition to defining your target audience, it is also necessary to establish the niche in which you will operate.

For that, here are some tips that you can follow:

  • Make a list of all the topics that you have mastered.
  • Use the Google Trends tool to find out the demands for the chosen themes and analyze the feasibility of each option.
  • With this same tool, you can also check the main trends and bet on issues in these areas.
  • Research the competition within each chosen theme and evaluate its competitive differential in relation to the competitors.
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Choose products that have sales potential.


The time has finally come to define what products you are going to sell. But first, it is crucial to know how to choose your digital products.

Being part of an affiliate system that makes sense to your audience and segment is essential. In addition, you need to prioritize products that have sales potential.

In other words, you should select products that have a better acceptance by the market, a good sales performance, and whether the content of the product is relevant and attractive.

Remember that all of this will be decisive for your target audience to buy or not the product you are going to sell.

Evaluate the product commission (but don’t limit yourself to that).


Have you defined a list of products that you intend to sell? Then, start evaluating the commission offered by the digital producer. After all, this is one of the points that will define your success as an affiliate.

But don’t limit yourself to the commissioned amount; after all, a product with a high percentage can sell little or almost nothing.

Therefore, analyze the numbers, but also evaluate the possibility of acceptance and sale of the product.

Choose the channels where you will advertise your products.


Having a website, blog, or online store creates authority and credibility for your audience and can optimize your performance in the affiliate market.

However, you don’t have to limit yourself to just that, and you can generate sales through several other channels. Here are some possibilities where to advertise as an affiliate:

  • Social networks.
  • Email marketing.
  • Paid advertising.
  • Forums or discussion groups.
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Establish a content distribution strategy.


There is no point in dedicating yourself to all the steps above and not doing the main thing: investing in advertising.

To make a content distribution strategy correctly, you need to answer a single question: how do you intend to get your product to reach its target audience?

There are several ways to do this, from creating bold campaigns to creating frequent and valuable content on a specific channel, such as the blog.

What will make a difference is your understanding of which channels are best suited to your audience.

Invest in time and dedication.


To optimize your sales where you advertise as an affiliate, you need to invest time and dedication in it. So, keep all your pages up to date, with enough information about your product and without errors.

In addition, try to make frequent disclosures with quality content that creates value for your audience.

In conclusion,

Anyone can become an affiliate; after all, it is something very accessible. With enough dedication, it is possible to have a great return and earn good money on the internet.




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