How To Learn To Play Guitar : tips for beginners

How to

The moment has come that you had been waiting for so long: you have just been given your first guitar. But there’s a little problem, you’ve never played guitar and you’re not quite sure where to start learning.

Sometimes, the easiest thing to start handling a musical instrument and get used to it is to follow the most traditional methods. The most useful thing in these cases is to follow a number of essential basic steps in learning any type of instrument.

This will greatly help you to get acquainted with your guitar, since it is normal that at first you feel a little clumsy and do not like its sound at all, becoming really stressful.

Here are a series of very simple tips to help you on your path to music learning. Started!

Tune your guitar

How to

This is essential, because if you want to learn how to play the guitar really well, the first thing you need to learn is tune it. Guitars are very sensitive instruments that are very affected by temperature changes, so to avoid detuning frequently you should always check their tone.

To do so you can use a simple tuner that you can buy in any specialized store, or do it through the most modern methods and download a digital tuner to your mobile with an application that convinces you.

The strings

How to

Another very important part of his guitar are his strings. You’ll need to buy some new strings and fine-tune them regularly to maintain a nice sound. You should know that when new strings are put on, the sound of the guitar will not be pleasant.

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Therefore, whenever we change them the first thing we have to do is tune our instrument, until we find the tone that we like the most.

Learn the basic chords

How to

If you really want to learn to play the right way, you’ll have to start from the basics of music theory: the seven universal basic chords. It is essential that you learn to play these chords by heart, since they are the chords with which millions of songs are composed and that you will always need.

Read tablatures

How to

In learning not everything will be playing, since a basic part of the routine of any music is reading sheet music. In the case of the guitar, what you will have to learn to read with ease are the tablatures, learning to distinguish perfectly the positions and the notes.

Rhythm and strumming

How to

Once you learn to read and place your fingers in the right position to make each chord sound, the next thing you have to start trying is to create a rhythm. With patience and many hours of practice, we will learn to rip any kind of rhythm, something basic and necessary to be able to play all kinds of songs.

At first you will find it very difficult to strut the strings and make them sound good, but with a lot of practice in the end it will come out completely naturally and you can play for hours without getting tired.

In conclusion, learning to play an instrument is a long process in which we will have to be fully involved in achieving results. However, the prize for our effort will be the best of rewards, being able to enjoy our music and share it with others.

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