7 Blog Niche Ideas That Get Good Traffic and Make Money

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With the internet evolving and growing each day, it seems we have entered what can only be described as a technological golden age. This means that there’s never been a better time to start thinking about that blog you’ve always wanted to write. Blogs are an example of a hobby that can become lucrative and door-opening, as long as you choose the right niche.

By their very nature, blogs can be about anything your heart desires, but there are several blog niche ideas that will cause you to generate the most traffic and make good money!

Fashion Blogs

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If you’re a trendsetter who loves to show off all the latest styles, a fashion blog might be the right fit for you! Many beauty and fashion influencers such as the Kardashians and Gabi Gregg have created veritable empires using their fashion tips and tricks. Many people will visit fashion blogs to find out what clothes are “in” currently and to gather inspiration, generating many views each day! As fashion is an ever-evolving industry, you will never run out of things to blog about!

Home Repair Blogs

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For people who are handy around the house, perhaps a home repair blog is more suited to you. It is a common fact of modern life that the first thing someone does if they have a problem is Google how to fix it. By starting your own home repair blog and giving people information and tips about how to fix small and common problems around the house, you are guaranteeing a steady stream of visitors to your website, which means more money for you!

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Family Blogs

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If you have children – or have a child on the way – a family blog is the perfect way to document your little ones’ childhood whilst also having fun and making money! Family blogs can focus on many aspects of family life such as party planning, important life lessons, room decorating, or even just general family life! Family blogs often get popular because of their personable hosts who are both easy to relate to, and good at giving advice that can help parents who might be struggling in raising their own families.

Product Review Blogs

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One of the greatest things about product review blogs is you are able to review whatever products take your interest – from wine to LEGOs! And if you become a reviewer who has a large following, you may be invited to sample products for free! A product review blog is perfect for passionate people who want to do something they love more often, and receive money for it! It is also a great opportunity to provide the creators of the products with constructive criticism so that they can improve.

Travel Blog

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If you are a globetrotter with a taste for speaking your mind, perhaps you ought to try travel blogging. As with product review blogs, a huge incentive of starting a travel blog is the opportunities to travel for free if your blog has enough traction. Travel bloggers can have a specific niche, such as theme parks or city breaks, or could encompass travel in general. If successful, a travel blog could become a full-time job for you, which essentially means you’ll be living the dream, travelling the world, and making money!

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Entertainment Blog

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Entertainment blogs – such as blogs for movie reviews or gossip about your favourite artists – can be extremely lucrative. Many esteemed film reviewers began by reviewing on their own blogs, and this is a perfect jumping-off point for anyone who wants to be a real critic! All you need to start an entertainment blog is a movie ticket and a website!

Personal Blog

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If none of these blogs appeal to you, maybe you should start a personal blog. Many famous personalities are famous because they are unique and interesting, so if you believe you have the right kind of character to get famous and make money from blogging, perhaps you should start a blog where you talk about yourself! People love people, and if you lead an interesting life, you’re sure to attract attention online!

Remember, blogs take time to grow! Work hard and wait for best results!



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