How to hunt deer at night

How to

How to

Hunting can be done for fun or to get rid of a nuisance animal. Whichever its looked at from, it is now becoming commonplace with more people getting into this activity each year. Due to technology advancing, night hunting is becoming easier for most people than it has been in the past. It is a great way to pass time and fun activity that has now become a choice for many.

Hunting at night is prohibited in some states. Some states do allow hunting of deer mostly to farmers and landowners to protect their crops. Therefore, before you embark on a hunting journey ensure that it is legal in your state and what license you need to have. This information can be found within the respective deer lover forums within your state. You should keep in mind that ignorance of the law is no defense and you can attract hefty fines if caught doing it in a restricted area.

In this article, we provide a brief guide on how to hunt deer at night.

Effective Sight at night

How to

As a night hunter, you must be able to see at night in the dark. It is obvious that you cannot shoot something that you cannot see and even if you have a partial sight of the target, you will not have your best shot at it.

For night vision, you can buy night vision goggles or you can use thermal devices. However, they can be expensive and the cheapest method is using lights. Animals perceive light in different ways that are different from the way human beings do. By using lights of certain colors, you will be able to locate the animals easily.

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Hunting method

How to

The method depends on the geographical location attributes such as terrain. It also depends on the time of year when you will be doing the hunting. You may use the bait method or the caller method.


To locate the deer, you must understand its movement patterns within the area where you are hunting. The best method to use is the bait method. If you are hunting on a farm, the deer will be attracted by the crops you have grown on the field and they are likely to come for the fodder at night. In this case, you should place yourself in a position where you can easily attack when they come around.


Hunting Weapons

How to

The best weapon is that which is easy to carry around, easy to change accessories and generally operate. It should also be efficient in its handling when darted to a target. There are weapons that you can add silencers to so that there is minimal noise when you shoot the deer.

It is important to check the regulations that govern the use of hunting weapons in your state.


In conclusion, apart from being fun, hunting at night is best because some deer species are more active in the dark and that is when you are likely to locate them with ease.



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