How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Eat Healthy

If you pride yourself on leading a healthy lifestyle and you’re curious about how you can maintain a healthy diet, while you’re traveling the world, you’ve come to the right place.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling:

Share a meal with a travel companion


If you’re concerned about the calories in a large meal, simply opt to share a single meal with a travel companion. As often cafes and restaurants offer portions that are far too big for a single person. This is a particularly great idea if you still want to enjoy foreign foods on your travels, without consuming too many calories.

Search for vegetarian or vegan eateries



Vegetarian and vegan cafes and restaurants usually offer large menus of healthy foods. So if you’re looking to stick to a healthy diet on your next vacation, it’s well worth using Google to find healthy vegetarian and vegan cafes and restaurants which are located within a stone’s throw of your chosen accomodation.

Opt for healthy juices and smoothies



One of the best meals to consume on the go, when you’re running from one attraction to another, is a healthy smoothie. Alternatively you may want to pick up a healthy, freshly squeezed juice from a local juice bar. As an example, if you visit a tropical destination such as Hawaii, you won’t have any trouble finding a juice bar by the beach, where you’ll be able to purchase a nutritious, fresh cup of juice.

Prepare some of your meals yourself

meals yourself


Another way to keep to your diet abroad is to go grocery shopping, so that you’ll be able to prepare some of the meals which you enjoy at home. As an example, you may want to prepare a healthy breakfast each morning, before consuming a juice or smoothie or dinner before treating yourself to a decadent local meal at a restaurant. As if you consume a healthy breakfast and lunch, you won’t have to feel guilty about treating yourself to a decadent dinner.

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Travel with companions who also follow a healthy lifestyle

healthy lifestyle


You’ll find it a lot easier to stick to a healthy diet if your travel companions share your passion for clean, healthy eating. So next time you want to start planning an overseas vacation, make sure to invite friends and family members who will keep you accountable on your trip. As it’s almost impossible to stick to a clean diet if you’re vacationing with friends who eat junk food three times a day.

Keep a food diary

food diary


To keep track of the foods which you are consuming on your vacation, keep a food diary, to keep yourself accountable. If you don’t want to pack a physical food diary simple use a food tracking app on your smart phone instead. Some apps will even calculate how many calories each meal or snack contains. Just keep in mind that any calories which are calculated are only rough estimates.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not impossible to maintain your normal, healthy diet, when you’re traveling. As if you’re mindful about your decisions, you should easily be able to consume a healthy, balanced diet!




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